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Let's Talk!
Let's Talk! - Rawlins Community Radio
KRAW-LP 97.9 FM Channel 250
The Voices of the Rawlins Community
Our Opinions, In Our Own Words!

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Why a Radio Station?

Rawlins is a vibrant community of talented, innovative, diligent and congenial people. Often someone will say "You're from Rawlins? Sorry for you." or perhaps the derogatory comment, "What do you expect, it's Rawlins."

While there may be some weak substance behind those comments, we can change those dour remarks to welcome compliments. How can we do that? Let's Talk!

Rawlins is a reflection of American society generally. Technology and other influences which we cannot control affect how we relate to each other and interact with our institutions. Over the years, those circumstances have unintentionally influenced a fragmentation of our community into many groups sharing limited opinions and perspectives.

Attempted communication between individuals of our community and the institutions among us has become demonstrably difficult and mostly unproductive. Institutional culture and community culture are fundamentally different.

Communication between institutions and community are complicated by the differences. Institutions have unique internal policies, rules of conduct and formal goals. Their actions serve the primary purposes of their institution. Any benefit devolving to the community at large is merely coincidental.

This misunderstanding is shared by both the workers in the institutional culture and the individuals of the community. This handicap on community well-being can be relieved, if we talk. People are creative and self-organizing for mutual benefit. We all have talents, opinions and motivations. Creating community relationships that work for individuals, institutions and the people of the community as a whole is messy, irrational and like trying to herd cats. But we believe we need to try and that we can succeed, if we talk. So, Let's Talk Rawlins! KRAW-LP 97.9FM.

A closing word about KRAW-LP community radio: KRAW-LP is unlike all other radio stations that we know. We have no central broadcast management .You, the individuals of our community, develop station policies, operate the station and provide the content which we broadcast.

Please go here to learn more. You and your radio participation are essential for community radio success.
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Station Legal Info

Let's Talk!
Call-In Talk Line: (To be determined)
Office: 307-710-0979
POB 684
Rawlins, Wyoming 82301

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(Last Revision 06 March, 2025)