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Let's Talk!
Let's Talk! - Rawlins Community Radio
KRAW-LP 97.9 FM Channel 250
The Voices of the Rawlins Community
Our Opinions, In Our Own Words!

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"Let's Talk Rawlins Members" DAO Option:

A management policy created to discourage aggressive management dominance is proposed as a collection of station "members and participants". This proposed group may be organized as a Wyoming Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). LLC
(Ref: Wyoming Statutes
- ( https://sos.wyo.gov/Business/Docs/DAOs_FAQs.pdf )

This company will absorb or otherwise dominate the entire Let's Talk Rawlins! legal and operating entities.

A DAO has neither corporate officers nor board of directors. The Let's Talk Rawlins DAO, LLC registered membership as a whole will exercise technical ownership and executive management for regulatory compliance.

Station operating policies and program content will remain provided by the people of the Rawlins community.

DAO Membership:

Any Rawlins community member may become a DAO (voting) member by simple declaration and active enrollment.

There are no fees or qualification requirements to enroll as a DAO (voting) member.

Individuals who are active participants in station activities are automatically members of the DAO during their period of participation.

DAO members may exit without reason at any time.
All DAO memberships (except participation members) expire on a (to be established) common calendar date if not actively renewed by individual members.
This process will purge membership rolls of former or reluctant members.

DAO members each, individually possess one (1) vote.

DAO executive and policy decisions are proposed within the DAO membership.
A"super-majority of members" vote tally must approve any action. (*This condition needs discussion.)

If the number of votes cast or vote tally does not achieve the required "Super-Majority", the proposal fails for lack of a quorum or majority.
(*Definition of sufficient voters and "Super Majority" need discussion.)

* * * * *

A Reminder . . . KRAW-LP is OUR Community Radio Station.
Broadcast content and programming policy are at YOUR initiative.

Let's Talk!
Office: 307-710-0979
Call-In Line: 307-454-0979

POB 684
Rawlins, Wyoming 82301
Send Your Comments Here
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(Last Revision 07 March, 2025)