Let's Talk Logo
Let's Talk!
Let's Talk! - Rawlins Global Radio
KRAW-LP 97.9 FM On the Internet
The Voices of the Rawlins Community
Our Opinions, In Our Own Words!

Who Are We?
Broadcast Radio
Program Calendar

Internet Radio
Program Calendar

Contact Us

KRAW-LP Broadcast Host Protocol

(For general guidance, click here)

Radio Hour Defined:

A Broadcast "Radio Hour" is 59 minutes, 45 seconds. The program content hour begins at 6 to 15 seconds past the hour and ends when the hour mandatory station identification interrupts the audio.

Broadcast Interruptions:
Any broadcast may be interrupted at any time without notice by Emergency Alert System announcements.

Broadcast Fundamental Rules:
Program content and language restricted from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM to prevent exposure to children.
Prohibited content includes:

Explicit sexual and body part content
Explicit bodily function content
Incitation to violence content
Violation of "community standards"

Notice to Call-ins:
All Callers must be informed prior to on-air:

"If you intend to make assertions or quotations, be absolutely certain that your facts are accurate.
Be prepared to defend your assertions without appearing foolish."

"Remember that when you speak, you cannot "take-it-back" later! Your voice is immediately broadcast to our community and also, via our Internet Radio Station, to our global audience. Mind your manners and language . . . keep your conversations civil." Foolish conduct and bad manners are rarely forgotten.

"Sensitive listeners may take personal offense or legal action for slander or defaming comments. Be prudent and conservative in your comments."

A Reminder . . . KRAW-LP is OUR Community Radio Station.
Broadcast content and programming policy are at YOUR initiative.
Let's Talk!
* * Let's Talk! * *

A Reminder . . . KRAW-LP is OUR Community Radio Station.
Broadcast content and programming policy are at YOUR initiative.

Let's Talk!
Office: 307-710-0979
Call-In Line: 307-454-0979

POB 684
Rawlins, Wyoming 82301

Send Your Comments Here
Let's Talk  eMail Page

(Last Revision 06 March 2025)