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Let's Talk!
Let's Talk! - Rawlins Community Radio
KRAW-LP 97.9 FM Channel 250
The Voices of the Rawlins Community
Our Opinions, In Our Own Words!

Who Are We?
Broadcast Radio
Program Calendar

Internet Radio
Program Calendar
Contact Us

How to Become a Broadcast Program or Podcast Host

A Reminder . . . KRAW-LP is OUR Community Radio Station.
Broadcast content and programming policy are at YOUR initiative.
Let's Talk!

The station needs several types of Broadcast Program Hosts:

Station Core Hosts

Mandated station announcements

Morning and Evening Shows


Special Event Reporting

Remote Events, such as sports, emergency and community interest activities, etc.
Community Commentary and Opinion Hosts

Community Call-in Program Hosts

"Podcast" Hosts

Music Hosts

Government Affairs Hosts

Civics 101

City and County Leadership Interviews

City and County Staff Interviews
Hosting can be performed in these methods:

1. Pre-recorded and unattended.
2. Pre-recorded with live Host/DJ commentary
3. Live presentation with dynamic content. Only you know what piece will play next.
4. Play listener requests and dedications.

The station's preferred audio format is MP3. However, other formats may be utilized if necessary.
The station Annex provides a functional recording studio with microphones, audio mixing panel and computer, if needed.

"Radio Hour Definition"(PDF)
A "Radio Hour" begins and ends with the midnight Station Identification announcement. The Station Identification announcement begins at midnight and ends when the announcement is complete (about in ten (10) seconds). The "Radio Hour" for content is therefore about 59 minutes 50 seconds.

Extended content can be created and performed, but transmission of continuous content will be interrupted during Station Identification.
"Podcasts" performed on the broadcast station will also be recorded during initial broadcast for on-air replay and Internet Radio broadcasts.

We are learning how to "Podcast" by providing Podcast capability with a subscription to Transistor, Inc. Podcast Service at www.transistor.fm -

"Podcasts" can be solo performances, interviews and conversations, live from the broadcast studio or pre-recorded.

"Podcasts" are initially performed for local broadcast with simultaneous Internet transmission.. The show will be archived as an Internet Radio on-demand Podcast replay.

Our Broadcast Music licensing prohibits repeating Broadcast music on the digital Internet.

A Reminder . . . KRAW-LP is OUR Community Radio Station.
Broadcast content and programming policy are at YOUR initiative.

Let's Talk!
Let's Talk!
Office: 307-710-0979
Call-In Line: 307-454-0979

POB 684
Rawlins, Wyoming 82301
Send Your Comments Here
Let's Talk  eMail Page

(Last Revision 06 March, 2025)