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Let's Talk!
Let's Talk! - Rawlins Community Radio
KRAW-LP 97.9 FM Channel 250
The Voices of the Rawlins Community
Our Opinions, In Our Own Words!

Who Are We?
Broadcast Radio
Program Calendar
Internet Radio
Program Calendar
Contact Us

KRAW-LP Broadcast Day
A Reminder . . . KRAW-LP is OUR Community Radio Station.
Broadcast content and programming policy are at YOUR initiative.
Let's Talk!

Let's Talk Rawlins! - KRAW-LP, Community Radio  97.9 FM Channel 250 has a 24 hour broadcast day. (PDF Graphic)

We are required to maintain a minimum 6-day, 35 hour on-air schedule. If we fail at that, we can lose our operating license.

If we do not have a permanent 24 hour transmission day, the FCC can assign our location to facilitate another station's operation.

Daily Station Program Schedule:

Midnight every day: Station Identification approximate duration is 10 to 12 seconds.

Station Identification is automatic and interrupts all incoming audio.

All Emergency Alert System broadcasts also interrupt the audio stream.

After Dark:
8:00 PM through 6:00 AM
 Period is open for any program content.

Morning Program
6:00 AM through 9:00 AM
Morning studio content.

Rawlins news summary

Rawlins weather summary

Rawlins events for the day

Rawlins area yard and garage sale, miscellaneous for sale/wanted announcements.

Call-ins can be taken as convenient

9:00 AM through 5:00 PM
Period is open for any program content.

Evening Program
5:00 AM through 8:00 PM
Evening studio content.

Rawlins news wrapup

Rawlins weather forecast

Rawlins events tomorrow

Call-ins can be taken as convenient

A Reminder . . . KRAW-LP is OUR Community Radio Station.
Broadcast content and programming policy are at YOUR initiative.
Let's Talk!

Let's Talk!
Contact Us
Office: 307-710-0979
Call-In Line: 307-454-0979

POB 684

Rawlins, Wyoming 82301
Send Your Comments Here
Let's Talk  eMail Page

(Last Revision 06 March 2025)