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Let's Talk!
Let's Talk! - Rawlins Community Radio
KRAW-LP 97.9 FM Channel 250
The Voices of the Rawlins Community
Our Opinions, In Our Own Words!

Who Are We?
Broadcast Radio
Program Calendar
Internet Radio
Program Calendar
Index of Topics Contact Us

* * * WELCOME!* * *
(A Very Brief Station Explanation)
Let's Talk Rawlins has two operative elements and a Support Element (Click to View)
See Page and Subject List
The Broadcast and Global (Internet) operations are similar in purpose, but very different in legal structure and operation.

KRAW-LP 97.9 FM Channel 250
 Let's Talk Rawlins Broadcast Radio

Low Power FM Community Radio in Rawlins, Wyoming
Let's Talk Rawlins on the Web

Providing a Rawlins Community Global Presence
KRAW-LP is an FCC licenced  nonprofit community radio station.
KRAW-LP is owned by Let's Talk Rawlins, Inc.
Let's Talk Rawlins, Inc. is a
Wyoming nonprofit corporation.
* * * However, Let's Talk Rawlins, Inc. is not "tax-deductable"  * * *
The people of Rawlins create broadcast content and operate the station.
KRAW-LP may not engage in sales or commercial advertising.
Click for more Rawlins Broadcast radio station information

The Let's Talk Rawlins website is a global commercial project.
www.letstalkrawlins.com URL is owned by Let's Talk Rawlins, Inc.
The website content complements and supports the broadcast activity.

The website can engage in sales, promotion, advertising and etc.
However, the website will not permit "click-bait" revenue-seeking.

Click for more
Global Internet station information

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A Reminder . . . KRAW-LP is OUR Community Radio Station.
Broadcast content and programming policy are at YOUR initiative.

* * Let's Talk! * *

A Reminder . . . KRAW-LP is OUR Community Radio Station.
Broadcast content and programming policy are at YOUR initiative.

Let's Talk!
Office: 307-710-0979
Call-In Line: 307-454-0979

POB 684
Rawlins, Wyoming 82301

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Let's Talk  eMail Page

(Last Revision 11 March, 2025)