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Let's Talk!
Let's Talk! - Rawlins Community Radio
KRAW-LP 97.9 FM Channel 250
The Voices of the Rawlins Community
Our Opinions, In Our Own Words!

Who Are We?
Broadcast Radio Program Calendar
Internet Radio Program Calendar
Contact Us

How is Our Station Uniquely Different? 

All of our broadcast content is intended to be created by individuals from our community.
"Station initiated" activities are limited to mandatory FCC and EAS (Emergency Advisory System) content.

All conventional activities, such as "Sweepers", "Liners", "Voiceovers", "Intros", "Outros", "Jingles", "Bumpers", "Transitions", Sonic-branding" and similar features are intended to be generated or otherwise provided and embedded as desired by individual content creators from the community.

The "technical quality" of each content creation will vary with the abilities of each content creator. Station participants are encouraged to both teach and learn with other participants.

General understanding of "radio station" tends to presume that "station management" sets broadcast policy, content and management.
"Convention" presumes therefore that station funding solicits and receives support primarily from government, business, private wealth, NGO grants, subsidies, underwriters and so on.
"Convention" requires station management, policy and content serve the interests of the funders. Most institutional radio stations conform to their financial supporters.

(Parenthetically, Nonprofit Public Radio "NPR" and Noncommercial Educational Radio "NCE "
are unique FCC radio categories, highly regulated, funded and controlled.)
KRAW-LP is independent.

KRAW-LP 97.0 FM - Let's Talk Rawlins is intended to provide an independent radio station that is owned, managed, operated and providing broadcasting content by the people of our Rawlins community.

The station is established and organized to be independent of direct external coercive funding influences.

Station funding must come from a community desire for a functional community resource. Lacking community desire and functional content, the station will dissolve, vaporize, cease to exist. Individual content, participation and funding are essential if we see value in having KRAW-LP 97.9 FM in our community life.

What Constitutes the "Rawlins Community"?
Who Are We, Really? (Click for more!)

Our Rawlins Community includes individual people living, working and visiting in Rawlins.
Institutions such as governments, charities, businesses, clubs, and others do influence the community, but they are not the community.
Artificial entities (institutions) may be "in" our community, but only flesh and blood humans are members of our community.

The difference that separates institutions from our human community is simple.
Institutions operating in our community are artificial, not real humans and exist only by the rules, policies and goals of their creation.
The people who speak and act for them serve the purposes, rules and policies of their organizations, not our community.

They do not have the same privileges that are freely exercised by the individual humans of our community.

Please see the Invitation to Institutions here: (Click to visit)

* * * * *

A Reminder . . . KRAW-LP is OUR Community Radio Station.
Broadcast content and programming policy are at YOUR initiative.

Let's Talk!
Call-In Talk Line: (To be determined)
Office: 307-710-0979
PROB 684
Rawlins, Wyoming 82301

Send Your Comments Here
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(Last Revision 23 December, 2024)